Anexas Australia – Lean Six Sigma, PMP, CPHQ, PMP, Data Science, Power BI, AWS

Business Process Mapping

Business process mapping provides the steps that a business takes to complete a process to accomplish a desired output – either a service or a product. They show “who”, “what”, “when”, “where” and “how” for these steps, and help to analyze the “why”. Other names of maps are business process diagrams and business flow charts. Like other types of diagrams, these maps use symbols such as circles, rectangles, diamonds and arrows to depict the business activities.

Business processes mapping can be used to document a current process (as is) and to model a new one. Its purpose is to gain a detailed understanding of the process, people, inputs, controls and outputs, and then to simplify it, make it more efficient and improve the process results. Mapping is common in the business world to standardize procedures, become more efficient, meet audit requirements and gain competitive advantage.

Business process mapping can be done at four levels. Many methods can be used like function deployment methods, swimlane technique or value stream mapping.

It will help the employees to understand what is taking place and what can be improved.

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